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  • פרופסור-נוימן | Prof. Neuman

    Menahem Neuman, M.D. Urogynecology and Pelvic Floor M edicine With vast experience in rehabilitating surgery of the pelvis floor , Prof. Neuman guides physicians in Israel and around the world in performing advanced pelvic organ prolapse surgeries (some of which he developed himself). Prof. Neuman operates on women who suffer from pelvic floor weakness and organ prolapse, as well as on women with urinary incontinence. These treatments are funded and covered by various medical plans of health management organizations and insurance companies. Innovations Practitioner Info Patient Info סימן וי Urinary incontinence סימן וי Pelvic floor dysfunction Info for patients No posts published in this language yet Once posts are published, you’ll see them here. Further reading

  • Practitioner info | Prof. Neuman

    Menahem Neuman, M.D. Prof. Menachem Neuman is President of ISPP, International Society for Pelviperineology, Specialist of gynecology, treating with Urogynecology and Pelviperineology, Medical Doctor from the Tel Aviv University and Professor of Medicine at Ben Gurion and Bar Ilan Universities. Prof. Neuman is a senior surgeon in “Assuta Medical Centers” (in Ramat HaChayal in Tel Aviv and in Rishon LeZion); in “Raphael” Medical Center and in “Medica” Medical Center in Ramat HaChayal, Tel Aviv. Medical experience: Reconstructive surgery of the pelvic floor and urinary incontinence since 1986. Performed thousands of surgeries, developed innovative surgical methods and advanced surgical auxiliaries. Academic Resume: Senior lecturer - The Technion and Bar Ilan University. Professorship - The Bar Ilan and Ben Gurion Universities. Professional Memberships: ISPP, IUGA and The Israeli Society for Urogynecology and Pelvic Floor Medicine. Tutoring and instruction: Guidance of dozens of urogynecologists in various Israeli hospitals: Assuta, Raphael, Medica, Galilee Hospital, Shaare Zedek, Hadassah, Wolfson, Soroka, Kaplan, Beilinson, Safed, Ashdod, Barzilai, Poriya, Bnai Zion, Bikur Holim. Worldwide activity in the US, The Netherlands, Germany, Portugal, Italy, Malta, Spain, Greece, Slovenia, The Czech Republic, Cyprus, Turkey, Russia, Thailand, South Africa and Brazil. Innovations Professional Guidelines Scientific Publications Scientific Publications Urinary incontinence Modified TVTO טיפול ניתוחי בדליפת שתן Post TVT voiding difficulties תמורות בכירורגיה למניעת דליפת שתן TVTS teaching Short term TOT Pelvic Organs Prolapse A new reusable suturing device for vaginal sacrospinous fixation: feasibility and safety study Ant Mesh EJOG Ant support אסותא ניתוח לשיקום צניחת רחם פרק בספר - אורוגינקולוגיה TOT Mid Term TVT after TOT TVT re-adjustment.pdf TVT Re-do TVT suturing. TVTS Apical pelvic floor צניחת נרתיק לאחר כריתת רחם - הרפואה Two TVTO EUGA - EnPlace - uterine suspension TVTO Vs TVTS FDA 2012 TVTO short term JMIG FDA TVT Vs TVTO Long-term functional outcomes following mesh-augmented posterior שיקום צניחה של רצפת אגן שיקום רצפת אגן צנוחה 459 Meshes Uterine conservation Mesh 1 Mesh 2 NeuGuide Pre-Clinical Study Uterine preservation The Pelvic Harness Small mesh PIVS exposure Scientific Research guidlines Professional Guidelines SOGC Technical Update 254 - Transvaginal Mesh Procedures for Pelvic Organ Prolapse IUGA 2018 implants global Position Statement הטיפול הניתוחי בצניחת אברי האגן Selection of patients in whom vaginal graft use may be appropriate Informed Consent and the Use of Transvaginal Synthetic Mesh FDA Safety Communication 2011 POP Pelvic Organ Prolapse American societies Graft use in transvaginal pelvic organ prolapse repair (1) ACOG Committee Opinion 513 - Vaginal placement of synthetic mesh for pelvic organ prolapse JMIG Innovations Memic - Robotics Surger y To allow abdominal surgeries, abdominal incisions need to be performed in the abdomen (belly) wall. These cause injury to internal tissues, creation of hernias in the abdomen wall and cosmetic impairment. Existing laparoscopic and robotic surgeries allow performing intra-abdominal surgeries also require some incisions in the abdominal wall, which are small but which also have negative impacts. Moreover, the existing surgical robots are very limited in the complexity of actions they allow, being both single-jointed and physically very large. An Israeli start-up company called Memic, for which Prof. Neuman is the senior medical advisor, developed a very small advanced multi-jointed mini-robot which enables a hidden insertion into the abdomen, with no visible incisions, for the performance of complex surgical procedures. The sophisticated robot will soon be available for surgeons in the USA, Europe and Israel. Dozens of surgeries were already performed in Europe and in Israel, and very high safety and efficacy were demonstrated. FEMselect -​​ A Minimally Invasive Uterine Prolapse Reconstruction System Prolapse of pelvic organs originates from tissues’ weakness, therefore a reconstruction surgery should include a strengthening sling to prevent recurrent prolapse. Mesh implants may cause complications, therefore Prof. Neuman developed with the team of an Israeli start-up company (FEMSelect)a medical device called EnPlace, which enables performing a surgical procedure for reconstruction of prolapse without the need for a mesh and without the need for a deep surgery. The procedure is performed under anesthesia, lasts about 20 minutes and the patient is discharged home within several hours. The device is available for surgeons in the USA, in Europe and in Israel. Experience of hundreds of surgeries in Israel, USA and Germany has proven very high safety and efficacy. SERATOM -​​ Lightweight Mesh Implants An additional way to treat the weakness of tissues of the pelvic floor is to strengthen them with an implant - to prevent a recurrent prolapse. Large mesh implants may cause complications, therefore Prof. Neuman developed a small and strong mini implant which prevents both recurrent prolapses and mesh complications. The implant (Seratom MN) is produced by Serag-Wiesneer and is available for surgeons in Europe and in Israel. Experience of thousands of surgeries has proven a very high level of safety and efficacy. OORO -​​ Ligament Implantation Device OORO Effort urinary incontinence in women originates from weakness of a natural ligament that is meant to support the urinary tube. The way to treat such a problem is to implant a synthetic ligament under the urinary tube, but implantation of such synthetic ligaments is done in the surgery room under anesthesia and may have complications. Prof. Neuman established, with a professional team, a start up company (OORO), which designs a medical device simulating the procedure of the ligament implantation, without the need of deep surgery or a ligament, in a way that implements insights of thousands of surgeries to minimize the procedure, along with increasing its safety and improving its efficacy. R&D

  • Local press | Prof. Neuman

    All Videos Play Video Play Video דליפת שתן - אבחון וטיפול Play Video Play Video הטיפול בדליפת שתן - פרופ- מנחם נוימן

  • Contact | Prof. Neuman

    Please contact us by WhatsApp, telephone or email with any questions. +972-54-6442060 Pelvic Floor Reconstruction Center Azrieli Rishonim Tower 5th floor, Roi Clinics 2 Sderot Nim, Rishon le-Zion Members of all health insurance plans are welcome

  • נגישות | Prof. Neuman

    האתר תוכנן בכדי לאפשר נגישות מירבית וגלישה נוחה ככל הניתן. אם מתעורר קושי כלשהוא בקבלת המידע דרך האתר, אנא צרו קשר באימייל, טלפון או וואטסטאפ ונשמח לעמוד לרשותכם בכל נושא Accessibility Statement for Prof Neuman This is an accessibility statement from Prof Neuman. Conformance status The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) defines requirements for designers and developers to improve accessibility for people with disabilities. It defines three levels of conformance: Level A, Level AA, and Level AAA. Prof Neuman ispartially conformant with WCAG 2.1 level AA. Partially conformant means that some parts of the content do not fully conform to the accessibility standard. Feedback We welcome your feedback on the accessibility of Prof Neuman. Please let us know if you encounter accessibility barriers on Prof Neuman: E-mail: +972-54-6442060 Visitor Address: Limitations and alternatives Despite our best efforts to ensure accessibility of Prof Neuman, there may be some limitations. Below is a description of known limitations, and potential solutions. Please contact us if you observe an issue not listed below. Known limitations for Prof Neuman Date: This statement was created on 27 September 2022 using the W3C Accessibility Statement Generator Tool .

  • תנאי השימוש באתר | Prof. Neuman

    Welcome to the ( also ) website (hereinafter: “website”) which is managed and operated by Prof. Neuman. The terms of use are written in masculine language for convenience only, but refer to both men and women alike. The use of the website including its contents and the various services offered in it is proof of your consent to the terms specified in this page (hereinafter:“terms”) and therefore, you are requested to read them carefully before use. The terms apply on the use of the website and its contents, which are presented in a computer or any other communication device such as a cellular phone, palm computers of various kinds or in print. The website terms of use apply on use including photocopies, saving in digital media, on the internet web and cellular web and/or in any other way . In these terms, the term “content“, or “contents“ include information of any type and kind, including an idea, textual, visual, audio content, images, pictures or any combination of such, recorded and/or online video (live video streaming), file, computer code, application. Site use is subject to the following terms of use. Any use of the website indicates the user’s consent to the terms of use. This website is used as general information service to the public. The website’s contents should not be viewed in any way as a recommendation to perform, or to avoid the performance, or any medical procedureand/or to make use or avoid using any medical product or drug. The website or any of its contents may not be seen as an offer and/or medical or legal advice, professional opinion, or a substitute to personal consultation with a specialist. The website contents are general and presented as an average, the contents are not supposed to be personal, comprehensive, exact or updated and do not constitute any recommendation to act, or avoid acting, in one way or another. In planning as well as performing a medical treatment, great importance lies in patient’s examination and personal adaptation of all treatment methods to the patient’s needs, therefore, no conclusions may be drawn from the general contents in this website to any patient in any personal condition. Making use of the contents of this website is on the user’s own personal initiative and responsibility. Website usage You may use the contents of the website for private and personal objectives only as the end user only. 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Arbitration and jurisdiction The use of the website will be governed only by the laws of the State of Israel, however the international conflict of laws set in it will not apply. Any dispute discovered between the parties, including a dispute with regards to the use of the website, its contents and/or in relation with this terms of use, will be clarified in a court of law in the State of Israel. Contact us Prof. Neuman adheres to the provisions of the law and respects the rights of the website’s users and others for copyrights, privacy and good name. If you believe that any contents published in the website offenses you for any reason, please contact us according to the following details and we will try to address your claim as soon as possible. Addresses as said above may be sent in writing to the following address: Prof. Menachem Neuman Clinic:10 Ein Hakore St., Rishon LeZion Telephone: +972-54-6442060 Fax: +972-8-9287983 This website is used as general information service to the public. The website’s contents should not be viewed in any way as a recommendation to perform, or to avoid the performance, or any medical procedureand/or to make use or avoid using any medical product or drug. The website or any of its contents may not be seen as an offer and/or medical or legal advice, professional opinion, or a substitute to personal consultation with a specialist. The website contents are general and presented as an average, the contents are not supposed to be personal, comprehensive, exact or updated and do not constitute any recommendation to act, or avoid acting, in one way or another. In planning as well as performing a medical treatment, great importance lies in patient’s examination and personal adaptation of all treatment methods to the patient’s needs, therefore, no conclusions may be drawn from the general contents in this website to any patient in any personal condition. Making use of the contents of this website is on the user’s own personal initiative and responsibility.

  • | Prof. Neuman

    10 Ein Hakore Rishon Le Zion The Pelvic Floor Reconstruction Centre

  • | Prof. Neuman

    מחקר ופיתוח What is pelvic floor dysfunction? Pelvic floor is the inferior wall of the abdomen, consists muscles and ligaments, supporting the bladder, uterus and bowels. Pelvic floor might collapse following deliveries and due to unfavorable genetic backgrounds. With these circumstances, pelvic organs prolapse and urine leakage might occur. The daily activities and the quality of live are significantly negatively affected for quarter of the women population due to pelvic floor weakness. These problems might be cured with minimally invasive surgical actions which are safe and very effective. Physiotherapy and medications might be considered for mild situations. For more information contact us by WhatsApp, e-mail or phone

  • | Prof. Neuman

    ?What is urinary incontinence A quarter of the women around the world suffer Urinary incontinence. Urinary incontinence may be related to physical efforts such as cough, laughter and sneezing, or to a sudden urge to urinate. These problems might be treated with a safe and effective surgical procedure – the TVT. Medications and physiotherapy could be helpful with mild situations. For more information contact us by WhatsApp, e-mail or phone

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